Month: October 2014
Mathematics of Enlightenment
This page is dedicated to a poster session that was given at the 2014 Mind and Life conference in Boston, Massachusetts entitled “Mathematics of Enlightenment”. The slides corresponding to the presentation are available as a PDF: emath.pdf . There are two pages on this blog with related content: Svalaksana Mathematical primitives There is also a post…
Svalaksana literally means “the real”. The ancient Indian debate concerning svalaksana essentially asks, what is real? When we identify an object, is it that we identify that object by first identifying all of its constituent atoms, and then assembling them together? Or do we (also) identify an object in virtue of its larger context? Are…
Mathematical Primitives in Point-Free Topology
The mathematical equivalent of the Madhyamaka (and especially Gelukpa) view of svalaksana (“the real”) requires an alternative to point-sets as the mathematical basis for space: these are known as “point-free” topologies. Mathematically, these theories avoid several paradoxes associated with point sets (which involve the distinction between open/closed intervals). We nominate the following tenets for a…